Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It has been a while!!! :) Progress report

So I actually forgot that I had this blog! Needless to say, I was off track for a long time. The gym (Snap Fitness) didn't last long. I was off track, eating bad, not exercising. Got myself up there again. BUT January 2014, my New Years Resolution was to lose weight, and I managed to stick with it ALL YEAR!  :) Today is December 31, 2014. Since the beginning of this year, I have lost 68 lbs!! :) I have a long way to go, but I am proud of myself for sticking with it all year. Here's to even more weightloss in 2015!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Camping while on Weight Watchers

This upcoming weekend, we are going camping. My all time favorite summer (& spring & fall!) activity. :) So I thought I would post some of my WW survival strategies for camping. :)

Be prepared. Pack pre-packaged veggies and pre-cut fruits. You'll be

more likely to grab veggies and fruits if they are easy to grab and go (like chips...we

don't want to be grabbing them. Don't even pack them if you can help it!)

WATER! One of the easiest tips. Don't bring soda. Water is better and

more refreshing anyway. And, if you need flavor, just bring a few Crystal light


Replace regular hot dogs with light hot dogs. Replace hamburgers with Salmon

burgers. Load up with veggies. Yum.

If you are like me, camping isn't camping without S'mores. Just don't overdue it.

One S'more is plenty and it should be enough to satisfy you.

We make packets every time we camp. Use a sheet of foil and fill with your favorite ingredients. I use chicken or ground turkey, some potatoes and veggies. Season and add a few sprays of I can't believe it's not butter spray, along with a tiny bit of reduced fat shredded cheese. Fold up and cook over the fire. SO good.

There are tons of easy light recipes online if you look. Pinterest has some great ones.

Walk! What a great way to get some activity in! Take walks, play with the kids. My kids love

to play pool and ping pong when we are camping. We take walks around the campground and around the pond. It's relaxing but still activity. :)

My meeting room, a graph and 10%

^Where the magic happens. LOL. This is my WW meeting room.
^A graph of my weight loss so far (inside the WW weigh in booklet.)

^My 10% keychain. :)

(Didn't realize I took the pic upside down!)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Great Weigh in! :)

YAY! Down 4.6 lbs today! :)

However, looking over my food journal,

I ate below my points almost every day this week.

So hopefully I do not gain any back this week.

Friday, March 30, 2012

People notice already?

So I'm only down 24 lbs so far. No idea how many inches from going to the gym. However, I've had three people that I don't see very often til me that they can already see that I've lost weight. Even my husband said he can see that my face is thinner. Really?? I can't see ANY difference. No looser clothes, no different feeling. But hey, it made me feel good when they said it, and it just makes me want to keep going even more. :)

On another note, I am up to 3 mph on the treadmill for 35 min. at a time. I need to hold the handrail when I go at that speed, but I am ok with it. If I go another 5 minutes (Which I am planning to start Monday!) I will walk 2 miles in 40 min! :) Yay! A lot of people are probably like, big deal, I run 2 miles in 10 minutes, but hey, whatever. It is an accomplishment for me. And maybe one day I too, will be able to run 2 miles. Who knows? But I am going to keep pushing myself harder and I am in this for life. Literally.