Monday, April 23, 2012

Camping while on Weight Watchers

This upcoming weekend, we are going camping. My all time favorite summer (& spring & fall!) activity. :) So I thought I would post some of my WW survival strategies for camping. :)

Be prepared. Pack pre-packaged veggies and pre-cut fruits. You'll be

more likely to grab veggies and fruits if they are easy to grab and go (like chips...we

don't want to be grabbing them. Don't even pack them if you can help it!)

WATER! One of the easiest tips. Don't bring soda. Water is better and

more refreshing anyway. And, if you need flavor, just bring a few Crystal light


Replace regular hot dogs with light hot dogs. Replace hamburgers with Salmon

burgers. Load up with veggies. Yum.

If you are like me, camping isn't camping without S'mores. Just don't overdue it.

One S'more is plenty and it should be enough to satisfy you.

We make packets every time we camp. Use a sheet of foil and fill with your favorite ingredients. I use chicken or ground turkey, some potatoes and veggies. Season and add a few sprays of I can't believe it's not butter spray, along with a tiny bit of reduced fat shredded cheese. Fold up and cook over the fire. SO good.

There are tons of easy light recipes online if you look. Pinterest has some great ones.

Walk! What a great way to get some activity in! Take walks, play with the kids. My kids love

to play pool and ping pong when we are camping. We take walks around the campground and around the pond. It's relaxing but still activity. :)

My meeting room, a graph and 10%

^Where the magic happens. LOL. This is my WW meeting room.
^A graph of my weight loss so far (inside the WW weigh in booklet.)

^My 10% keychain. :)

(Didn't realize I took the pic upside down!)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Great Weigh in! :)

YAY! Down 4.6 lbs today! :)

However, looking over my food journal,

I ate below my points almost every day this week.

So hopefully I do not gain any back this week.

Friday, March 30, 2012

People notice already?

So I'm only down 24 lbs so far. No idea how many inches from going to the gym. However, I've had three people that I don't see very often til me that they can already see that I've lost weight. Even my husband said he can see that my face is thinner. Really?? I can't see ANY difference. No looser clothes, no different feeling. But hey, it made me feel good when they said it, and it just makes me want to keep going even more. :)

On another note, I am up to 3 mph on the treadmill for 35 min. at a time. I need to hold the handrail when I go at that speed, but I am ok with it. If I go another 5 minutes (Which I am planning to start Monday!) I will walk 2 miles in 40 min! :) Yay! A lot of people are probably like, big deal, I run 2 miles in 10 minutes, but hey, whatever. It is an accomplishment for me. And maybe one day I too, will be able to run 2 miles. Who knows? But I am going to keep pushing myself harder and I am in this for life. Literally.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not as bad as I thought.

My weigh in wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I ate under my points every day, and worked out a bit harder. I ended up only being up .2 of a pound. What a relief. However, I notice a pattern forming. I ate bad AGAIN this past weekend. Not as badly as last weekend, but definitely not on plan. So, plan of attack once again. I think I am insane. Literally. Do you know the definition of insanity? It's doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Hmmm... sounds familiar. I need a week where I don't eat any of my extra 49 points to see if that will boost my weight loss and my confidence in myself following the plan. We'll see.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This is going to be bad. :(

Well, this week's weigh in is not going to be pretty.

It's that TOM, and I have been eating literally everything. (Saturday after my WI was the worst..chocolate, donuts, chili cheese dip with chips.. get the idea.)

I am trying to rectify the situation, but I'm pretty sure it won't help.

Monday I was on track, I even kept my points 5 below target.

Went to the gym. Exercise bike for 20 min., treadmill for 30 min.

Yesterday, I was over my target by 6.5.

Today, I am going to the gym, and going to work hard. I'm planning to

eat below my target for the next three days. I'm also going to

force myself to drink extra water today, tomorrow & Friday.

My scale says that I am up FOUR pounds. FOUR.

This is bad. I need to set myself straight, and NO MORE binging!!

We'll see how it goes. Stay tuned...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Another walk today

The weather was pretty nice today, so we went for a walk again, at a different local park. I have to admit, I let K walk a lot of the time. She loves it, but I was also doing it for a more selfish reason: she is 1 and she walks slow. I am comfortable walking at a slow pace. I don't breathe heavily, causing my husband to keep staring at me. And yes, even though we have been married for 16 years, it is STILL embarrassing for him to hear me breathe hard when we take a simple walk. I know he knows that I am really out of shape, but I like to delude myself into thinking that he doesn't know exactly how bad it really is. Either way, I got a little bit of activity in, and a little is better than none. ;)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Weigh in today.

At WW today, I was Down another 3 lbs.

I know I should feel excited, but I am having one of those moments...

One of those times when I look ahead and see that it is going to take SO long to get to my goal. Why? It hasn't been that long. Why do I get these hopeless feelings sometimes?

I will push through it, though. I will workout at least 3 days this week.

I will drink all of my water. I will write everything down, and stick to the plan.

I will lose weight again next Saturday. But I know that I need to

figure out why I feel like it will never happen. Like I will never reach my goal.

Because I can, and I will.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Hungry Girl's Official 2012 Supermarket List!

Most people who have ever been on a weight loss program know one of the first (& most important) first steps is going to the grocery store. A great tool to help with this is the Supermarket List from Hungry Girl. In my email today was Hungry Girl's 2012 Supermarket List! Yay! I am going to print this list and keep it with me while I am grocery shopping. So helpful! The list is really long, so be sure to visit Hungry Girl for the complete Hungry Girl Supermarket List 2012.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Went for a walk outside today

Well, I have been going to the gym for about 3 weeks now. I walk on the treadmill almost every time. I am building up my walking, as I am out of breath quickly. I am terribly out of shape. I usually walk at 2.5 mph, and have just started not holding on to the handrails. It's a stepping stone. Anyway, back to the topic of this post. We went to the park today to take a walk. We went around a trail that was .894 of a mile. I could barely breathe. It was much harder than the treadmill. It was sad and embarrassing. :( But I walked it. I think on the days that I don't go to the gym, I will walk at parks in my area. It will be good to do something different and more challenging.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Down 20 lbs!

Well, I've been following WW for 7 weeks now.

I am happy to report that I am down 20 lbs.


Lots more to go, but I WILL NOT let myself lose motivation!!

Now if only it were noticiable. At all.

Can't see it, can't feel it, but

it's a small step in a long journey.

A journey that I will finish.

No matter how long it takes.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Joined a Gym!

Took a big step and joined a gym today!

We bought a family membership at SNAP fitness.

And this Friday, I have a fitness (or should I say fat-ness) assessement

with a personal trainer. I already know how that's gonna go.


I also joined up for their 8 week weight loss challenge.

It starts March 1st.

So there's a little more motivation. :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

This is Me. Starting out. January 28th, 2012


The images you are about to see are gross.

There is no other way to put it.

I am huge, obese, and just plain disgusting.

These are my before photos.

They are embarrassing. I wish these photos would never

be seen by human eyes. But, I am posting them.

To show my starting point. My low point. I will only go up from here.

I will be healthier. I will be smaller. My butt will no longer hang over a bench.

I will no longer worry if I will fit in a chair or a booth. Without further adu, I

reluctantly share with you my before photos.